London Fog WLP066 | Dry

White Labs

Now as dry yeast.

This strain is a great choice for New England-style IPAs.

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London Calling! White Labs is excited to bring you WLP066 London Fog Yeast, the most popular strain for Hazy/Juicy IPAs. This strain will deliver pineapple and ruby red grapefruit aromas, with hop balance and some residual sweetness resulting in a velvety mouthfeel. Take your IPA to the next level with London Fog Today!

Recommended for: Neipa, IPA, Pale Ale, Stout, Brown Ale, Barleywine

Alcohol Tolerance ABV 10%
Dosage 0.5 - 1 g / liter
Flocculation Låg - Medium
Liquid / Dry Dry Yeast
Yeast Strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Temperature 17 - 21°C
Yeast Style Ale
Attenuation 75 - 82%
Storage instructions in cooler
Size 11 gram

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